2010年2月2日 (Tue)

The Austria Vienna sets an exclamation mark. The violet ones could win Ivica Vastic as a coach for the amateurs for itself, who will take up quadruple Austrian soccer players of the yearly (1995, 1998, 1999, 2007) and 50fache team player its work with beginning of the next season, thus starting from summer. It signed a three-year contract.

AG sport executive committee Thomas Parits: “Ivica Vastic was a large player, who already earned himself as a coach of Waidhofen the first spores. We entrust to it this task in consciousness that it will train this young crew to inspire and successful. I am convinced that he will provide for a departure tendency in the club and he is a convincing personality on this post. We look forward to co-operation with Ivo. He is a specialist with a very successful background and for many a large model puncto ambition, attitude and specialized knowledge. “

For the amateurs, who will go to a league resolution starting from summer from the ADEG league into the regional league east, Vastic is a large enrichment. Its experience as well as its large successes as a presentation professional and his human qualities will contribute with security to the fact that the new generation of the violet ones is prepared in the best possible way for „ the steel bath federal league “.

AG restaurant economics Markus Kraetschmer, which also succeeded with this obligation, co-operation with the company Harreither, who in the summer 2008 began to secure at least into the year 2012 for the Austria: „ without the mad support of Dr. Raimund Harreither would not have become possible this project; particularly it makes me happy however that we could speak further steps in the course of these discussions about a still further and long-term intensification of co-operation Harreither fiber plastic Austria Vienna and in the coming months are set here. “

The earlier Stürmerstar Vastic, which terminated its so successful active career only in the past summer, is to bring in itself also in the new Austria academy, to complete there special trainings with the new generation teams and function than link. Further the axle with Karl Daxbacher is given, because Vastic was under it with the LASK the extended arm on the playing field and its megaphone at the crew.

Kraetschmer further: „ besides I know not only the sportsman Ivica Vastic, but also humans behind it, because in its two years with us have I repeatedly with it conversed. It has one Austria past, can much show and is therefore also the correct man for us and our young professionals, in order to facilitate for them the transition of the new generation to the professional football. “

Hans Dihanich, up-to-date the coach of the Austria of amateurs, becomes to season end its work would naturally drive on. Well possible that it will also beyond that give a common future between it and the Austria, that is specified however only after discussions in the course of the coming months.

2010-02-02 07:27 in Ivo | Comments (894) #